Tuesday 1 June 2010

Know your key words!

Play this game to make sure that you know all your key terms for the ethics paper

Click here for full screen version


Half way there!

Hope all your revision is going well. You'll notice that the link to all the philosophy paper has disappeared! Now its time to get cracking on the Ethics paper - everyones favourite.

Don't forget there will also be revision sessions on Wednesday 9th and 16th in H6F from 3:00 till 4:00 (tea and biscuits too)

Hope to see lots of you there

Mrs E :)

Monday 23 March 2009

Diiferent types of Christians

Remember that within Christianity, there are lot of different types of Christians. Roman Catholics, Church of England and Quakers are all Christians, just slightly different versions. Try and include these different views in your part A answers

Saturday 10 May 2008

Ask Mrs E

Got a question about the exam? Your revising and you can't get your head around something? Don't sit there struggling; post your question by:

a)click on 'comments'
b)Write your question in the box
c)click in the box that says to e-mail me
d)then revisit the blog to see my answer.

Friday 18 April 2008

Parable of the Good Samaritan - Lego version

Make sure that you know this parable; its an easy one that you can use in talking about many moral issues

Tuesday 15 April 2008

What do different Christians think?

In section A you need to show that not all Christians think the same thing. Have a look at this slide show to help remind you of the general views of different Christians (yes, it is very crude, but I thought it would help)

Wednesday 6 June 2007

Welcome to REvision

Welcome to Mrs Emmeson's RE revision blog. The idea of this area is to guide you through your OCR course with useful advice, links and share problems and solutions with other students who are in the same boat!